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Ninos Con Fe Casa de Hogar

We sponsor this orphanage in Tijuana with building projects, supplies, visits and food.

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Iglesia Cristo Vive

We have provided a new transportation van to support the children's ministry and we continue to financially support current programs and needs.

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Navigators San Diego

We sponsor this ministry that reaches naval personnel in San Diego with the gospel message and fellowship activities.


Iglesia Capilla Calvario Tecolote

We support the ministry of this church and are providing financial support for a building expansion..

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Sock Project

This ministry began when a young girl, Olivia, felt her heart reach out to the homeless population. As a result, the Homeless Sock Ministry was born! Socks filled with love are ready to be handed out your window to the homeless. They contain a Gospel Tract Message from Live Love, floss, toothpaste and toothbrush, hand sanitizer, water bottle, chapstick and underwear. There is also a card from the SD Rescue Mission about getting extra help.


Operation Christmas Child

We purchase items for children every November and pack over 200 boxes of gifts and personal hygiene products for Samaritan's Purse to send around the world.




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