Our Mission is to bring glory to God through the redemption of souls and by bringing good to His children.
SPOTLIGHT on Uganda Children's Home
Purchasing the land
Land Purchased
Construction of Girls' Bldg.
Getting Supplies

Water Tank
Construction begins.......
Exterior Work
Help us reach our goal
Under God's direction and with much prayer we are moving forward with 3 phases of construction:
Phase 1: Building the Structures
Phase 2: Building Livestock Area
Phase 3: Planting Gardens
We are currently working on Phase 1 which started in August of this year.
The plan is to build a total of three homes. The size of each house is approximately 2,304 sq. ft.
The first building will house 12 girls and their caregivers, ages 10 months to 21 years.
The second building will house the boys and the third will house guests. Each home will offer a safe environment and have four bedrooms, a dining room, two bathrooms, and a reading room/library.
God is transforming these children’s hearts by growing their faith in His provision and giving them the hope of the Gospel message with the opportunity to live better lives for Jesus Christ. This transformation is priceless.
We need your help to build His Kingdom and to spread the Gospel in Masaka, Uganda.
~We are praying that God will speak to your heart to donate to this cause. ~
